Dandelion Wishes
I searched for dandelion puffs my world through. The stems were many; the white tops were few. Each time I found where a dandelion grew, A gust of wind sent the seeds to the blue. On a hilltop, I found the flower anew. I puffed with all my might and pappus flew. I had several wishes, first three, then two. Finally, just one wish, I wished to come true. I laid on the grass and looked at the view. I recalled the wish and found my heart grew. Yet, my heart was heavy, I hadn’t a clue, If the wish I wished, would come back to you. Just then, a dragonfly gave me a clue. Four wings carried a seed that I blew. He returned the seed. I bid him adieu. My heart became lighter. It was then that I knew, The wish that I wished would really come true. I wish for you, JOY in all that you do.
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